Save Myself – Ed Sheeran (Song Of The Day)

The song Save Myself by Ed Sheeran describes the unhealthy situation, relationship and “situation ship” a lot of us find ourselves in.
Life is not always “smooth sailing”. Sometimes it is more rollercoaster-like. It is such moments that the relationships we have built come to the fore and gives us much-needed comfort to see us through.
The problem is there are some of us who give out everything we are and have, just to ensure everyone around us is alright. We sacrifice ourselves for the satisfaction of others.
You give your materials, finances, intellect, emotions, hope, aspirations and prayers, just to make sure the ones you love get the best out of life. After that what next?
Who is Super Man’s Super Man? Who comes to save Wonder Woman when She needs Saving? What is leftover for you when you’ve given your all?
From jobs to friendships, to family, to other aspects of our lives, it is quite easy to give all you have until there is nothing left for you. A common phenomenon in situations like this is that the same people you are giving your everything to never stop asking for more. Even when you are empty.
Some of them even get upset when you tell them you are empty. Not that you choose to stop giving, but there is nothing left for you to give. They’ll tell you less in words and more by action, “how dare you be empty when I am not done receiving.” “How dare you run-out when I am not satisfied with what I’ve gotten from you.” “Where do you expect me to get from if not from you?” “Don’t you have any reserve? Even if you are keeping it for yourself, I must have it.” “I am not Prophet Elijah and can’t guarantee you won’t lack, but I want that last morsel.”
It is time to reexamine your life. Why are you giving? Is it out of your own volition or compulsion from others? Do you really have to give this person your time, emotion or experience? If you do not share what you have with this person, what are their other options? Will you be alright after giving this or will you and yours be in lack?
Your most prized and most priced possession isn’t the tangible things around you. It is your time, intellect and emotion. You need to be more careful about those you share this with.
As for those you consider to be friends, do they consider you to be a friend or just a source for meeting their needs? Do they invest in you as you do in them? Do they support you as you do them?
Stop giving your oxygen to those who have no problem breathing. And as you begin to reconsider your situation, before blaming someone else, you need to save yourself.
Before saving someone else, we need to save ourselves.
And before loving someone else, I’ve got to love myself.

Save Myself Lyrics

I gave all my oxygen to people that could breathe
I gave away my money and now we don’t even speak
I drove miles and miles, but would you do the same for me?
Oh, honestly?

Offered off my shoulder just for you to cry upon
Gave you constant shelter and a bed to keep you warm
They gave me the heartache and in return I gave a song
It goes on and on

Life can get you down so I just numb the way it feels
I drown it with a drink and out-of-date prescription pills
And all the ones that love me they just left me on the shelf
No farewell
So before I save someone else, I’ve got to save myself

I gave you all my energy and I took away your pain
‘Cause human beings are destined to radiate or drain
What line do we stand upon ’cause from here looks the same?
And only scars remain

Life can get you down so I just numb the way it feels
I drown it with a drink and out-of-date prescription pills
And all the ones that love me they just left me on the shelf
No farewell
So before I save someone else, I’ve got to save myself

But if don’t
Then I’ll go back
To where I’m rescuing a stranger
Just because they needed saving just like that
Oh, I’m here again
Between the devil and the danger
But I guess it’s just my nature
My dad was wrong
‘Cause I’m not like my mum
‘Cause she’d just smile and I’m complaining in a song
But it helps
So before I save someone else
I’ve got to save myself

Life can get you down so I just numb the way it feels
I drown it with a drink and out-of-date prescription pills
And all the ones that love me they just left me on the shelf
No farewell
So before I save someone else, I’ve got to save myself
And before I blame someone else, I’ve got to save myself
And before I love someone else, I’ve got to love myself