Stand by! Tape rolling! Action! These are the three phrases you hear on almost every movie set before the filming of a scene takes place. But what happens before we get to the filming stage?
Preparation. That is where a lot of us get lost. We are so busy dreaming and planning, we end up never doing“. It is almost like some of us enjoy the process of planning more than we enjoy executing our plans.
Action is defined as something done to achieve a purpose. Planning is done to enhance and optimize execution, but all our planning is worthless if we do not carry out the action.
Back to our movie set, the scriptwriter did his job, audition was carried out, rehearsals were held, set designers toiled all night to bring the scene to life, light and sound are in place, the cinematographer is set up, the actors are in place, but the director never called “action!”. What happens?
The day is wasted, man-hours and financial commitments are gone down the drain, the whole process of planning is exhausted for nothing, the movie is never made. No-one associated with the project will be happy with such an outcome, even if they are still paid their full appearance fee.
You are the star and director of this production called “Your Life”. It’s time you call Action!.

Wilson Joshua is a Video Editor, Content Creator and Creative Writer.
Follow him on Twitter and Instagram. @IJoswil