
Why I Do Not Have A Girlfriend.

Am I the guy in the middle? I Wish.

   Why don’t I have a girlfriend? the question should be “why should I have a girlfriend”. I’ve been in countless conversations with friends, especially one that I’m reuniting with after a long time. We’ll ask each other of what we’ve been doing, how life is treating them, and how they are holding up. Inevitably, I’ll ask if they are in any relationship, and the reply mostly will be a resounding yes, followed by a long story of how they meet this wonderful girl (or boy) who is everything they dreamed of, and how She (or He) is all they can think about all day. Those who are not currently in a relationship go on to tell me about this heartless girl (or boy) they dated, and how he/she messed up big time, which lead to the end of their relationship.
 After all the narration, they’ll ask for my own “relationship story”. and I’ll tell them “I’m not in a relationship”. They’ll say “ok then, what about your Ex-es”. I’ll reply, “I’ve actually never been in one before”. This is followed by a ridiculous look of disbelief, and most of them assume I’m lying. I then go on to explain that thanks to a number of factors, I’ve not been in a relationship.
 First and Foremost, thanks to my upbringing, I developed some principles by which I’ve actually lived my entire life. Originally, I never wanted to be in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, I just wanted to cut to the chase and get someone willing to marry, and go ahead to marry her. This was in turn aided by my “phobia” for the female folk. I use to be scared of girls, thanks to some earlier experience,as well as the fact that girls always posed as the only obstacle between me and the top position in most of my activity as a younger child, making me see them as a threat, which I must always fight.
 As I grew older, I realized I’ll probably need to get closer to girls to be able to achieve somethings. I got closer to a few very intelligent girls around me, I learned a lot from them, and subconsciously, they raised my expectation from any girl I’ll get to date. This actually reduced the chances of any girl I meet. Because the first time I meet any girl, I begin to measure her up with all of my female friend, not one of them, but all of them. No girl has been able to combine all the positive attributes of my female friends. (I act hope to meet a girl who will make me forget about all my standards or expectation.)
 Another issue I have to deal with is the fact that I began to have crushes on many of my female friends, (I’ve actually had a crush on all of my female friends at different time.) I realized that if I asked every girl I crushed on, I would end up dating too many people. The funny part was that the crush was on and off, I would get over it, and later, I would crush even heavier on them. It would also be very awkward if I have dated all of my female friends and then went on to brake up by them. Seriously, I’m better off crushing on all of my friends, than breaking up with all of them.
 Finally, there were some girls I wanted to date, and some of them were also interested in dating me, but there was just one problem, They were in a relationship at the time, and I was not willing to break up someone else relationship, just to satisfy myself. So it was an issue of availability vs moral.
 So here am I today without a girlfriend, but enjoying every moment of being single. And most importantly pleasing God. Since I do not have a girlfriend, I’m actually under less pressure to engage in acts of fornication, and I don’t have to spend money on making someone else happy at my own expense.
 But seriously though, I would very much love to meet that special someone very soon. (Today is not a bad day for that to happen.) Any girl interested in being that “Special someone” should feel free to contact me, we can start from “somewhere”.
 Until then I’m Single, I’m Free, and I don’t have any Worries.