If there is one hospital in the whole of Nigeria that is supposed to be “over-stocked” it definitely has to be the Clinic within the corridors of power; or so we thought until Aisha Buhari told us otherwise.

Every year, a couple of millions of naira, (closer to hundred than ten) is set aside to run a clinic that caters to those who work at or visit the villas. It would be safe to believe that the least of your worry when visiting this hospital would be a syringe, or cotton wool, or an x-ray machine. You would expect that this being the closest hospital to the number one citizen in the country, nothing would be lacking.

The wife of the number one citizen, Aisha Buhari knowing this planned on going to said hospital for something minor and was advised to fly out of the country, just as her husband had done over an appointment with an E.N.T Doctor. I think the spirit of patriotism, or simply common sense that an hospital exclusively reserved for the top less than 0.1% ruling class of Nigeria would surely be capable of handling “something small”.

Long story short, Aisha Buhari was too disappointed for words when asked to get her own syringe or go to an expatriate owned hospital to get an x-ray done. No wonder Nigeria’s Minister for Education is currently outside the country for medical reasons, while Lt. General Victor Malu died in Egypt where he had gone for treatment, and Senator Godwill Akpabio was flown abroad after a “minor accident” despite building a “World Class” hospital as the immediate past Governor of Akwa Ibom State less than two years ago (which has interestingly been shut down with lots of drama involved) and more “impressively” President Buhari was in London for over a hundred days with a sickness that started as an Ear Infection.

If those at the corridors of power have Aisha Buhari fighting for their right to better health care delivery, I can’t help but wonder who will come to the aid of the masses. Let me not even bother writing about hospitals in Lagos, where the state government currently spends heavily on the health sector, or states like Kogi, Benue, and Bayelsa where the last couple of years has been a disgrace to democracy and it’s expected dividends.

Wilson Joshua is a Video Editor, Content Creator and Creative Writer.
Follow him on Twitter and Instagram. @IJoswil