This Is Not Who You Are (Sincerely Yours)
You have been taught by your environment to believe that you are static. You were made to believe that you are impervious to change.
Rather than accept criticism and correction, you put up a defense. You always have a reason and an excuse.
This is who I am. That is my weakness. I am like this already. That’s my nature. Everybody has an Achilles heel. We are all humans after all.
But is that true though? Is this really who you actually are? Are you a product of your environment or are you an excuse from your environment?
Are you a finished product or are you still in the production stage? Should we categorize you as a “human been” or as a “human being”?
A being who is constantly evolving. One who learns, unlearn and relearn. A being or is amenable, moldable, and adjustable.
You aren’t just a product of your environment, you are a part of your environment. More importantly, you have a choice.
A choice to change how things are positioned. A choice to change how you respond to things. And just as importantly, a choice to change your environment.
Contrary to other’s beliefs and your own belief, this is not who you are.
At the end of the day, it is more up to you, than anything or anyone else. It is your choice who you settle on being.
It is up to you to be a “has been” or be an “is being“.
Stop using “this is who I am” as a crutch for your misbehaviors. Learn better. Do better. Be better. (Or as Melania Trump said, Be Best)
Wilson Joshua is a Video Editor, Content Creator, and Creative Writer.
You can follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. @IJOSWIL
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