I don’t know how many people found God through one of DMX’s prayers, verses, or interviews, but I hope someone did. I believe that would be an eternal source of joy for him.
The only way Crown of Clay could have been any better was for Olamide to have a verse on it. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Pheelz or someone else either leaks or release a version featuring Olamide in the future.
I hope this masterpiece gets discovered and appreciated by Blacks and Africans all over the world.
I can’t remember the first time I heard Nicki Minaj’s Pills N Potions, but I can still remember how I felt when I heard it.
As a matter of fact, that feeling comes back afresh each time I hear it.
When Vector released King Kong in late 2014, many remixes and covers were released. The best of the bunch for me was Queen Kong by Pryse and Eva Alordiah.
On ShukuBamBam, Phenom starts out strong. Characterizing himself to the fictional King Kong. No one is stronger. Very few can match his appetite for havoc and domination. And that is an apt description of Phenom’s rap prowess.
I first heard Triumphant on Olamide’s album, Carpe Diem. For now, I must state, Olamide is awesome at making albums. He has singles that may not be up to his usual standard, but when it comes to albums, He is top-tier only.
Funny thing is I know people who live their lives daily, talking about if I get money eh, before listing out an endless stream of things they intend to do immediately they have money. Interestingly, they have no plan in place on how to make said money.
When a self-confessed gangster sings about how he was Blinded By Your Grace, you have to believe that His Grace is beyond description.
If we must talk about Rap Music in Nigeria, then we must talk about Vector. And if we must rank the best Nigerian rap songs for 2020, then “If We Must” must be somewhere in the top three so far this year.
Some people get addicted to what was supposed to be a temporal source of release and pleasure. We find our “high” and want to remain there. This has led to misuse, abuse, and dependence on drugs, alcohol, sex, relationship, porn, game, gambling, and others.
Want to know a great song for reminiscing? Good Old Days is the perfect song for that. Macklemore and Kesha did a good job of