When a self-confessed gangster sings about how he was Blinded By Your Grace, you have to believe that His Grace is beyond description.
To be tough as steel is to be an individual with firm resolution, an inner strength of character, will or courage.
To be steel-minded is to be tough minded, fearless and undaunted in the pursuit of a given task or set goal.
Life is a Theatre. There are play-makers and play-viewers, but more of play-viewers than play-makers.
Life is Short. It is not how long, but how well.
Your attitude to life and the challenges you face affects the impact you will make on the world.
To realize life’s lofty dreams, you must have a positive self-image.
How new is the year still is to you?
Are you still excited?
Has the novelty worn off?
Has the New Year become just another year to you again?
Through thick and thin, what keeps you going?
When the tide is against you, how do you not give up?
Do you know you can’t give a hug without getting one back?
Do you need a hug or do you need to start giving out hugs?
What’s your time over there?
Hug o’clock.
Inertia is defined as a lack of activity, and is synonymous with the act of indolence. It is a tendency to do nothing, or to
Pragmatism is defined as the pursuit of practicality over aesthetic qualities. It is a concentration on facts rather than ideals or emotions.
Pessimism is defined as a belief that bad things will always happen or things will only get worse.
A person who has such a view on life is referred to as a pessimist. This is a direct contrast to optimism.