Grace is one of the most crutched-on and abused creeds in the Christian faith.
Self-control on the other hand is one of the most avoided subjects, most underappreciated feature, and biggest failing for most of us.
All I want is to live in grace. For my life to be an expression of the extravagance, that is when God chooses one to be a manifestation of His wonders.
When a self-confessed gangster sings about how he was Blinded By Your Grace, you have to believe that His Grace is beyond description.
Conviction is a spoken word drama, which aptly describes two extremes in modern Christianity. Sadly, both camps are hell-bent on ushering the other towards hell. Every conversation is an argument to be worn.
It seems some Christians have gone so high in Christianity, they have come so deep into the new testament, they have come so far from the Mount Sinai, at their current level, the ten commandments have been updated to ten suggestions.
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Those are the words of Christ and those are the same words the road to hell is currently being decorated with, and folks are being finessed to take that route daily.
People who inspire others are those who see invisible bridges at the end of dead-end streets. – Charles Swindoll. You can strive to be a
Some of the leading voices to the younger generation are more concerned with being cool than being Christlike. They pat themselves on the back for things they are able to do because of their “freedom” in Christ, than their being bound to Christ. They speak little of the cross, dying to self and being a world changer.
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they
I have always wondered why the first fruit of the Spirit is love, until I meet neighbor haters who were specialist demon chasers.
What happens when someone has faith, small as a grain of rice or bigger than Mount Everest, but refuses to apply the said faith in his everyday life?
Is there a way to ensure that none of my thoughts, words or actions would ever be counted as sin? Is there a category of
Grace is one of the most beautiful girl you’ll ever meet. Her beauty is duly matched by her intelligence and work ethic.