This might be a bit of a stretch, but if you ever have to ask if I love you, then I most likely do not.
Or I’ve failed in my love for you.
Either way, I’m not happy you asked.
Now imagine your lover doesn’t share your sense of humor. Each time you laugh, they ask, “what’s funny?”
No matter how you explain, they just don’t get it. And whenever you share something you find funny with them, they’ll reply, “and so?” “I don’t get it.”
I still fondly remember the first time you said you love me. It was like time stood still.
I could hear a butterfly land on a flower’s petal a thousand miles away. The blue color of the sky looked freshly painted, to a point of exaggeration. If a pin dropped at the other end of the earth at that point, I would have heard it.
When I got back to the house, my two gossiping neighbors were nowhere to be seen. So also was whatever little respect I had for them.
This is not over. Instead, the battle line has just been drawn. I don’t know how I would get one over them, but I know I must get my pound of flesh.
There must be an alternate universe where you and I end up together. But in this universe, how can I end up with this your friend I have come to like?
Maybe we should have enjoyed being friends and never bothered dating. Maybe we would still be friends rather than exes. Or maybe it was inevitable that we would get together.
There are a thousand and one other maybes, maybe in an alternate universe, we followed one of the several maybes, and ended up with a “happily ever after”.
I got back to the sitting room and met Tomi and Hannah giggling like sisters sharing a secret.
I had taken a long bath, thinking up ways to split the girls without getting either of them upset. My head had come up with nothing.
Hannah too, someone that never wants any PDA, now she is asking for a kiss in front of company.
My village people are working on my case overtime. This is the worst setup of the century.
These witches have succeeded. The Coven have had their way. How in the world did Tomi and Hannah get home before me?
Why do they look content? Who cooked? Why are they eating together?
My enemies have finally gotten me.
But if he ever says he is done being your man, if he ever says he wants a life without you, if he ever says it is time to part ways, I don’t want you to shed a tear. I don’t want you to be heartbroken. I don’t want you to doubt yourself for a second.
Please, know that someone sees you. Someone wants you. Someone would be glad to have you in their life.
That someone is me.
And if I never heal from this heartbreak, will I ever get to love again?
Can love be built on pain?
What if I’m unable to connect with anyone?
Who would teach me to love again?
I have considered giving Tomi some money to go out on Sunday. Having Tomi around during our personal time is one Hannah won’t find comfortable.
If only her boyfriend was in Lagos. Maybe I should hook her up with one of these guys that have been disturbing me for her number.
Fast as lightning, I jumped out of the bed and ran to the sitting room. It seems Tinu forgets that she is a lady, a pretty one at that, sometimes.
She is the one temptation I dare not fall for.
Eventually, it was time to sleep. I had a big day ahead of me tomorrow.
Wait. Am I not supposed to inform my landlord that someone was moving in with me?
I’m tired.
What if I didn’t mask my feeling?
What if you were not told that women can’t do the asking?
What if I wasn’t too scared to damage a good thing?
What if…?
Maybe in another lifetime, we can be more than almost.
Sometimes, they wanted to be so next to each other, I would expect them to merge into one. Other times, they’ll be at each other’s throat and I’ll have to be the buffer, to prevent them from exchanging punches.
According to her, since Tomi was like a sister to me, she’ll be giving us some “Sisterly Rules”, made with sisterly love, and having non-sisterly consequences.
Immediately Tomi left my house, I called my girlfriend, Hannah. She told me she was still on the way from work, so I asked to meet her up at her house.