Feeling remorseful or regret is not a sign of weakness. It is simply being human. Know that others have been where you are and still gone on to do better.
Why did I choose Macklemore’s Glorious as my first Song Of The Day in 2019? Easy answer. This song best describe my feeling coming (going) into this New Year.
Man is a social being. We tend to share our belongings as well as mental state with the company around us. Happiness, misery, confidence, jealousy, any other feeling we might be having, we inadvertently share it with those around us.
Very few movies or TV series have made me shed tears. Sincerely, I can’t remember any one. That was until I saw the 16th episode of the second season of Blackish.
Unfortunately, most of the survival strategies cause even more damage. In all, everyone just consciously or subconsciously wants and desires to love and be loved.
It is just the second week of the year and lots of people have already broken their New Year Resolution, so much that they are either battling to keep up with it or dumping it altogether.
Inertia is defined as a lack of activity, and is synonymous with the act of indolence. It is a tendency to do nothing, or to
Bias is defined as an inclination towards something; it is synonymous with predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, and predilection.