The Christian walk with God is a walk from impurity, deficiency, and imperfection, to perfection. It is God’s will that we become perfect, just as He is.
The Bible is replete with stories of people with extraordinary faith. A level of faith that moved God to personally commend them. Yet their story is incomplete.
The presence of God in one’s life is a reward for faith in him, which is more valuable than any tangible thing. If you know God, but you have not experienced, and you can’t feel the sweetness of His presence, you are doing it wrong.
Faith. The much talked about, often misunderstood, easily misplaced, painful to lose, harder to regain force that governs the universe as we know it. And even more, than we know.
First is a letter to the editor of the Lacon Illinois Gazette which had published said rumor, then is a letter to the populace of Illinois.
As Christians, we spend a lot of time praying and praising. A resultant effect of this is that God consistently open doors we need to be opened up for us.
When Jesus Christ referred to some people talking about doing wondrous works through His name, it is easy to conclude on the culprits being Fake Miracle Workers.
When you teach them that none shall lack their mate, teach them interpersonal relationship skills, a positive attitude, dress etiquette, social etiquette and modesty
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Those are the words of Christ and those are the same words the road to hell is currently being decorated with, and folks are being finessed to take that route daily.
He has made a way
Where there was no way
Hallelujah Eh! It’s the sound of breakthrough
Hallelujah Eh! Hallelujah O Oh!
Let the sound of rejoicing fill this house
Life is a Theatre. There are play-makers and play-viewers, but more of play-viewers than play-makers.
Life is Short. It is not how long, but how well.
Your attitude to life and the challenges you face affects the impact you will make on the world.
To realize life’s lofty dreams, you must have a positive self-image.
Rather than a cause for self-indulgence, compromise, rebellion or any other sin, the doctrine of providence is actually a sure ground for trust and a spur to faithfulness.
Crushing the church is like smashing the atom – divine energy of high quality is released in enormous quantity with miraculous effects. – Benjamin E.
Some of the leading voices to the younger generation are more concerned with being cool than being Christlike. They pat themselves on the back for things they are able to do because of their “freedom” in Christ, than their being bound to Christ. They speak little of the cross, dying to self and being a world changer.
I searched for the word meekness and realized it was used only 14 times in the Bible. That is a little too few for my satisfaction, so I searched for meek also. Meek did one better, it appears 15 times, for a joint appearance of 29.
Welcome to the “I don’t take nonsense” generation; here, the tolerance level is running low, patience is thinning out, longsuffering is none existent, if you
It seems some people are just allergic to peace and quiet. If there is no noise and ruckus greeting their presence, then something is wrong. They begin to feel like a fish on land.
Cos of parents who invested in him and a God who directed him, Moses overcame four issues that paralyzes most people: Who am I? (Hebrews 11:24) What choice should I make? (Verse 25) What really matters? (Verse 26) What is my purpose? (Verse 27).
There are some people, Christians especially, who it is just impossible to catch a smile lingering on their face. Meeting them on a Sunday, Monday or Friday, there is no difference. It is like their face doesn’t even acknowledge the weekend.
Work out what God is working in you. Courage doesn’t mean the absence of fear, but responding in spite of fear.
When the first group of people were branded “Christians” because they lived a life that reminded everyone around them of Jesus Christ, everyone else who believed in Jesus Christ thought the coolest thing that could happen to them was for someone to refer to them as a Christian.
I have always wondered why the first fruit of the Spirit is love, until I meet neighbor haters who were specialist demon chasers.
An optimist is someone who expects positive outcome. He is a person that believes things will always turn out in his favor, she is someone that believes the world is set up to always yield favorable results in issues related to her.