When I hear you say, “it’s nothing personal, only business”, is that supposed to serve as an apology? Am I meant to be happy that your business requires me to be hurt?
Next time you are tempted to utter those words, just say “I am sorry” instead.
What distinguishes loss aversion from risk aversion is that the utility of a monetary payoff depends on what was previously experienced or was expected to happen.
Loss aversion is most times a product of getting your fingers burnt from previous experiences. Or knowing someone who has.
You are not a P.L.C. No shareholder or board of directors should be sitting on your case and none is coming up with a solution for you. They don’t know the intricacies of your daily life, how do you expect them to know what is right or wrong for you?
Sunk cost fallacy is a phenomenon where somebody justifies an increased investment of money or other resources based on the cumulative prior investment (the sunk costs), despite new evidence suggesting that the cost of continuing now outweighs the expected benefit.
They picked Akanni up one morning
Beat him soft like clay
And stuffed him down the belly
Of a waiting jeep.
What business of mine is it
So long they don’t take the yam
From my savouring mouth?
If there is a category of hustlers that can be referred to as classy, then Timi Dakolo’s “Wish Me Well” should serve as one of their anthems.
Over the last couple of weeks, reports emanating in the press reports that different teams or individuals are unable to represent Nigeria in different qualifiers for competitions. And in some worse cases, they cannot represent us in the competition proper due to lack of funds.