Perspectives On Life – JOSHUA’S NOTE

Life is an Investment. You reap from it what you sow into it.
Life is a Risk. The more risk you take, the more your chances of success.
– He who fears to take decisions because of risks will not experience progress.
– He who takes no risk, risks making nothing.
– The greatest freedom in life is freedom from fear, because fear has torment
– The worst freedom in life is freedom from risk, because nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Life is a Journey. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.
Life is a Battle, and is full of losers and winners.
– Those who fear to loose will not go to battle, will never win, yet could still loose it all.
Life is a Pleasure. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But there is time for everything.
Life is a Mirage. The more you look, the less you see.
Life is a Race, but “. . . the race is not to the swift . . . but time and chance happeneth to them all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11)
– Sometimes in life, great achievements do not follow physical or mental attributes or qualities. There is a divine arrangement for life’s achievements.
Life is a Theater. There are play-makers and play-viewers, but more of play-viewers than play-makers.
Life is Short. It is not how long, but how well.

This is W. Joshua’s note from Chapter Three of the book “Be Yourself” by W. F. Kumuyi of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry.
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