Jump Or Remain Caged! × TREASURED JOURNAL
Some years ago my parents and I were at the leaders’ congress in my church, which was always organized yearly to kick start the year.
I was a volunteer worker in the kitchen. One afternoon a lady came looking for me in the kitchen. I had never met her before. She told me my mom was locked in the hostel and needed my help to get out. Mom had called out to her while she passed by.
I immediately excused myself and asked a friend of mine to accompany me to the hostel.
On our way into the hostel’s walkway, we met some security personnel who questioned our entry into the hostel. We told them what had happened and they allowed us in.
My mom’s face immediately lit up when she saw me and my friend and she started showering us with prayers.
She explained to me that she felt ill and had to rest during the break period. She slept off and didn’t know when the gate was locked.
Besides my mom’s bunk which we shared was at the end of the hostel facing the hostel’s gate; if you don’t look properly you’ll not notice anyone was there.
I was able to get the bunch of keys but my friend and I kept trying each of them one after the other. None of them could open the padlock where mom was locked in.
I went back to the security personnel asking for their help but they told me I was on my own.
In their own terms “person wey get load, make him carry him load“. I left there angry and questioned their importance.
I was already contemplating breaking the padlock with a stone but it wouldn’t have been an easy task since the padlock was a very big and firm one.
I kept racking my head for a solution and asked the Holy Spirit for his help as usual.
Immediately he made me see the roof and then the window below it.
Mind you, this was a hostel built not in the regular way houses were being built. It was almost a story building in height.
I told my mom to climb on the bunk bed in the hostel while I looked for a burglary she could use as a ladder to climb down.
I noticed her fear when she had climbed onto the window pavement and looked down to see the height.
I kept on encouraging her. I told her she could do it. I made her know this was the only way out, else she would remain alone in the hostel till it was late in the night.
I held firmly onto the burglary and ensured she climbed down safely.
She was so full of gratitude and we all walked happily back to our several duty posts, past the security personnel who didn’t want to be of any help.
It is the second quarter of the year. 2021 came with a lot of opportunities. This second quarter, I admonish you to fight through barriers that might want to keep you transfixed to a spot.
Whenever you are faced with a difficult, find a way out of it.
Do not allow defeat or self-pity.
Mom didn’t allow defeat neither did she give in to self-pity.
All she wanted was to leave that spot to hear God’s word and be blessed.
Always find a way through barriers and difficulties. This second quarter, keep fighting and pushing.
Above all, like I encouraged mom that she could climb down without being hurt, surround yourself with people that fuel you to do more.
Surround yourself with people who always help you get out of stagnancy.
Surround yourself with people who would always see the good in even seemingly difficult situations.
Most importantly build your relationship with God.
Be bold. Don’t stay caged.
Be brave. Take that leap.
Be you. There is only one version of you.
Mordi Comfort is a storyteller, creative writer, event host, and organizer. She uses stories to pass messages, relate relevant life experiences, and bring about positive changes in people’s lives.
You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
…Kuzie Writes…
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