Helping Hands On The Walk To Perfect – ML DEVOTIONAL

The Christian walk with God is a walk from impurity, deficiency, and imperfection, to perfection. It is God’s will that we become perfect, just as He is.

We were made in God’s image. We were the pinnacle of creation. We were made perfect. But sin made us lose our state of perfection.

Coming to Jesus puts us back on the path of perfection. But then, as saints in an evil world, we are met with tests and trials every day that aim to chip away at our perfection.

Just as a drop of poison in a cup of perfectly clean water makes that cup lose its former state, that is what sin does to us. Thankfully, there is always room at Calvary. His blood is ever-flowing and always ready to cleanse us.

Ignorance is no excuse before the law. But if you are educated in the law, you are less likely to flout it. This is why we have ministers.

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

Ephesians 4:11-13 (KJV)

Our Pastors and Teachers in the church are meant to teach us about God’s word. His words contain His commandments, as well as His promises. By teaching us on His law, we can watch ourselves and ensure we are always within His will.

By teaching us about His promises, they give us all the encouragement we need to stay on His path. Our ministers are not supposed to be heartless judges who are only interested in condemning us every time we do wrong.

Instead, they are supposed to be the shepherd who gently takes care of the flock. And when one is missing, they go after it. They find it and if it is hurt, nurture and nourish it until it regains health.

If you are one of the ministers in the church, your job is not to drive out those who do not fit your picture of what a Christian should look like. You have a duty to help people on their quest to perfection.

Whatever your office might be, from the preacher to the usher, choir, intercessor, media, protocol, or anything else, at the end of the day, we are all working towards the same purpose. Perfecting the saints and edifying the body of Christ.

Never forget, the church is not a museum for trophy saint; It is a hospital for broken souls.

Wilson Joshua is a Video Editor, Content Creator, and Creative Writer.
Follow him on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram. @IJOSWIL