Conviction (SPOKEN WORDS)
Conviction is a spoken word drama, which aptly describes two extremes in modern Christianity. Sadly, both camps are hell-bent on ushering the other towards hell. Every conversation is an argument to be won.
Victory is won by misinterpreting the scripture and leaving out any verse that points out our shortcomings. Judge not. God is love. He without sin… All these verses say a lot.
Yet, we are supposed to live a life of holiness and righteousness. We put aside the Ultimate Aid and either strive through our own strength to attain perfection, or forfeit it altogether.
After salvation, there is supposed to be a change, a difference and a walk with God. Christ didn’t only die for our sin, He died as us for the sins we individually committed. Through His death, we died to sin, through His resurrection, we are supposed to live in Holiness.
As much as we want to live a life free of judgment and conviction of sin by other humans, no man should be taking the risk of waiting until God’s judgment throne to find out if he is eligible for heaven.
Comparing our sins with one another or weighing up our self-righteousness with each other isn’t going to free us from the consequences of sin. Mercy and Grace didn’t take away the law, it took away the need to bear the punishment for flouting the law. But only if you accept it. Rightly.
He will not give precious pearls to swine.
Special thanks to Ezekiel, Preston Perry, Jackie HillPerry and Janette…IKZ for “Conviction”.
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