BDSM And Secondary School PTSD – Josh Journal
It is a few days to Valentine’s day, and everywhere I turn to, I am swamped with advertisements for BDSM kits.
At this point, it is either everyone is into BDSM and they are feigning naivety, or the retailers are trying to pull us in.
Either way, all I can say is get your freak on. As long as the line of legality and morality is not crossed, whatever goes down (or up) in your bedroom (and wherever else you choose), I say a big Hallelujah on your behalf.
I am not an advocate for censoring the sexual activities of couples. Whatever rocks their boat, flies their flags, tickle their fancy, scratch their itch, and give them the big “O”, they are free to do.
I believe a sexually satisfied nation is a productive and happy nation. If you have the stats and data that proves otherwise, feel free to share.
I also strongly believe that a happy sex life can help you connect better with God. Post Nut Clarity, when gotten with the right person will open your eyes to the beauty of creation, and leave you marveling at the awesomeness of God.
Once again, if you have the stats to prove otherwise, kindly share.
I should mention here that I am fascinated with sex and all that goes with it. Though not active, that has not stopped me from educating myself about sex.
Let’s just say pursuing knowledge generally is a delight for me.
Seeing the recent increase in the advertisement of BDSM kits also piqued my interest. Before now, I was used to seeing such adverts. Recently though, the amount of such adverts, along with libido boosters and sexual enhancement products, I have been seeing is simply astonishing.
It is looking like the gods of BDSM have got their eyes fixed on Nigeria. At this point, I am scared to go into people’s bedrooms for whatever reason.
I am almost certain that if I stumble in there, I will stumble out with my mouth ajar, and my eyes popping out of their sockets.
This will definitely leave me viewing said couple differently. I love my current view of my married friends. In my opinion, it is in the best interest of all of us for it to stay the same.
I don’t want to be looking at you and seeing Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele.
Looking through some of the BDSM instruments I am seeing online, I have to admit, I am scared.
For someone who got flogged and punished a lot in school, at church, and at home, I don’t think I want to voluntarily relive the experience in my adulthood.
In all my years of serving out punishments, no light went off in my head thinking “what if you try this in the bedroom?”
As a matter of fact, I still have PTSD whenever I see or try some exercise routines. That is probably why I don’t have a six-pack. Now you are asking me to bring the same activities into my bedroom.
Please, let this serve as a notice to La Babe that at no point will we be getting this freaky in the bedroom. There are a thousand and one other positions to try.
We will find our pleasure in one that doesn’t leave me remembering one wicked teacher from high school.
After thinking about this whole situation, I have come up with a theory that there are two categories of Nigerians who are into BDSM.
Firstly, there are those who were never flogged or punished while growing up. This group of people have no bad memory attached to the cane or handcuffs, so they are open to incorporating it into their bedroom activities.
They are quick to get on their knees, spank their spouse, or offer up their bum to be spanked.
If one teacher has flogged your bum until you couldn’t sit, you will never offer that bum to your spouse to flog.
The second group of Nigerians into BDSM are those who were punished while growing up but developed Stockholm syndrome.
Either the person who punished them was beautiful or handsome and they had a crush on them, or they went through a lot of punishment when their bodies first became sexually aware.
Some might have been punished a lot when they first got sexually active, and the pain from the punishment got mixed up with the joys from their newfound sex life.
Apparently, pain and pleasure activate the same regions of the brain. They also interact with the dopamine and opioid systems of the body similarly. So it is normal that some people will find pleasure in pain.
It is also normal that those who have been flogged and punished enough will have PTSD whenever they sense anything that shares the same characteristics nearby.
I won’t be surprised if the sales of BDSM Kits are skewed more towards the upper-middle class and upper class of our society. People from such backgrounds are less likely to have been flogged while growing up.
For the sake of your own safety, don’t try to blindfold the eyes of someone from Agege or Ajegunle. In your own interest, ask them before bringing any whip into the bedroom.
Na God dey watch us, but make we sef dey watch ourselves ooo.
Wilson Joshua is a Video Editor, Content Creator, and Creative Writer.
Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. @IJOSWIL
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